Data Properties

See Also    Examples    Applies To

DataSource and DataMember together determine the recordset that their control uses.

Property DataSource As DataSource


Returns the DataSource object that the control ctl uses.

Set ctl.DataSource = con

Sets the DataSource object that the control ctl uses.

The DataSource can be selected from a list of DataEnvironment objects when at least one DataEnvironment exists in the project.

For the txt, cbo and chk controls an empty (Nothing) DataSource property indicates binding to an atb control. In this case it is recommended to use the Bindings property page to specify a DataMember (see below).

Property DataMember As DataMember

ctl.DataMember [=strName]

Returns/sets the name of the command in DataSource that the control ctl uses or will be using.

When the DataSource property is Nothing for an txt, cbo or chk control, binding to an atb control is indicated. In this case an empty DataMember property indicates binding to the parent atb (assuming the control is hosted by an atb control). Setting the DataMember property to the name of an atb control of the same form binds to that control.