Using the keyboard

atb control (Active Table)

← (left) Cell left. If the first cell is already selected, the cursor is not moved.
→ (right) Cell right. If the last cell is already selected, the cursor remains there.
↑ (up) Previous row
↓ (down) Next row
Control following this Active Table
Shift + *
Shift + Tab
Control preceding this Active Table
Next Cell. If the last cell is already selected, the cursor goes to the first cell of the next row.
Shift + ¿
Shift + Enter
Previous Cell. If the first cell is already selected, the cursor goes to the last cell of the previous row.
Page up Goes back a page and sets the cursor accordingly.
Page down Goes one page further and sets the cursor accordingly.
Ctrl + Home Goes to the top of the table and sets the cursor accordingly.
Home If the insert cursor is visible:

Goes to the left of the cell. If the insert cursor is already there, the entire first cell of the row is selected. If the insert cursor is at the left of the first cell of the row, the first cell of the current page's topmost row is selected.

If the entire cell is selected:

Sets the insert cursor to the left of the cell.

Ctrl + End Goes to the end of the table and sets the cursor accordingly.
End If the insert cursor is visible:

Goes to the right of the cell. If the insert cursor is already there, the entire last cell of the row is selected. If the insert cursor is at the right of the last cell of the row, the last cell of the current page's bottommost row is selected.

If the entire cell is selected:

Sets the insert cursor to the right of the cell.

Ctrl + ¿
Ctrl + Enter
Goes to the first cell of the next row and sets the cursor accordingly.
Ctrl + Z
Alt + Backspace
Undoes the last change.
F5 Updates the display executing a requery of the table. This may take some time.
Ctrl + F5 Updates the current record.
Ctrl + Plus key Goes to a new record.
Ctrl + Minus key Deletes the current record. At the first delete command the current row is marked and striked through only. After that you may launch a second delete command to do the deletion or you may give an undo command to cancel the operation.
Ctrl + G Opens the box to display and edit the record number.
F12 Adjusts the window size to the programmed default.

cbo control (combo box)

↑ (up) Select previous element of the list
↓ (down) Select next element of the list
Page up Select the element one list height before
Page down Select the element one list height further
Home Select first element of list
End Select last element of list
Ctrl + F5
Updates the list
F4 Shows resp. hides the list
Character Select the next element of the list beginning with Character